Cedar Hill Fire Department ranked to ISO RATING 1
- Date Published
- Mar 19, 2021
- Category
- Business, General Info
ISO currently rates over 30,000 fire departments within the United States and of those, only .5% of them receive a rating of 1.
The fire-protection services of Cedar Hill, as rated by an insurance industry advisory company, have improved to Class 1 from Class 2. With the fire protection services of Cedar Hill improving to a Class 1, the reduced rating puts the City of Cedar Hill in a special group of communities in the country.
Understanding the System
The classification by ISO, known as the Public Protection Classification (PPC) program, assesses the fire-protection efforts in a particular community. ISO collects information on municipal fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the United States. In each of those communities, ISO analyzes the relevant data using its Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). The company then assigns a Public Protection Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 generally represents superior property fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area's fire-suppression program doesn't meet ISO's minimum criteria.
By classifying communities' ability to suppress fires, ISO helps the communities evaluate their public fire-protection services. The program provides an objective, countrywide standard that helps fire departments in planning and budgeting for facilities, equipment, and training. And by securing lower fire insurance premiums for communities with better public protection, the PPC program provides incentives and rewards for communities that choose to improve their fire fighting services. The improvement to a PPC Class 1 classification was positively influenced by a pro-active hydrant program, increased training activities, community outreach, our emerging communications system, fire station locations, and maintaining staffing levels.
Rating 1 Effective Date
The effective date for the implementation of this new PPC rating within the city limits of Cedar Hill was January 1, 2021. From that date forward each citizen, through their Insurance agent, can request that the improved PPC rating be considered at the time of their annual insurance renewal. For additional information, please call the Cedar Hill Fire Department at (972) 291-1011.